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Trusted Leader Programs and Services

It can be very difficult to step back and truly see the state of trust in an organization of which you are an integral part.

An unbiased expert can help you gauge the level of trust in your organization and its leaders. If the levels of trust are not as strong as they should be, we can help you identify the root cause, begin a process of rebuilding, and learn how to repeat the process for a good long time.

We offer a variety of customized sessions designed to build trust aross the various parts of your organization and build the related skills of leaders and managers. In addition, we offer Trusted Leadership Assessments, Organizational Trust Diagnoses, and Trusted Leader Offsites and Speaking Engagements.

Please if you would like to discuss how our consulting services can apply to your particular needs and requirements.


Trusted Leadership Assessments

These assessments provide an organization's leadership with the chance to understand how well they are performing (both individually and collectively) against a number of criteria that directly affect their ability to succeed in their roles. This is NOT an "Are You Trusted?" -type test. It is a customized assessment that is the composite of a series of interviews, response tools, and one-on-one interactions.


Organizational Trust Diagnoses

Organizational Trust Diagnoses examine the level, the quality and the nature of employees' trust in their company.

The outcome of these diagnoses provides management with a sense of where trust resides, where and why it might be lacking, and a sense of direction as to where the repair or reinforcement of trust is necessary. Each element of organizational trust (clarity of aspirations, ability to succeed, effectiveness of action, articulation of message, alignment of efforts, and ability to manage resistance) is examined on both a quantitative and qualitative basis.

Organizational Trust Diagnoses can (and should) be conducted across levels (such as supervisors, managers), business units (including departments and/or geographies), and/or employee segments (divided by age, seniority or other relevant characteristics).


Trusted Leader Offsites

Leadership and management groups often make the building of trust with employees, customers and others a fundamental part of their value proposition. Having a leadership group work together on the building and rebuilding of trust with these constituencies is a critical step, and a customized Trusted Leader offsite blends a company's own special challenges with the Trusted Leader frameworks in a short, high-impact session.


Speaking Engagements

Both of the authors are available for speaking engagements, including session kickoffs, luncheon and dinner keynotes, and combinations of speeches and workshop sessions. They have appeared both individually and together, and each session is customized on the basis of the number of participants, their backgrounds, interests and the goals of the session itself.


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